Hi folks thought it was about time I put up some of my newest stuff, its not all of it mind. 186 photos I took this afternoon but dont worry they arent all on here LOL. All work is available and unless I get emails of interest by the end of the week I will list them on Etsy. Granny Cricklebank has got someone with their eye on her already.
Granny Cricklebank and Mad Morris, they also both on Youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alSRqd-xg1c&context=C4074d03ADvjVQa1PpcFPGXp-0tkwDG_750rGDcNd8OhMFtuaV7Ro=
Morris has been experimenting on brains again, he is running an electic charge through this one to see if he can get it to do something, he doesnt know what it will do yet. The lights on the curcuit flash and the black box under the table holds the battery.
Voldy is up for grabs, I got a lot of interest in him at Miniatura.
Miss Haversham, she can also stand up.
Archiebald Cricklebank, hes a very kind wizard who never brushes his hair.
Pricilla Pumperkin shes not a happy bunny, shes got her dolly but shes left her pram at her Grannys.
Her dollys arms and legs move.
Charlie Cricklebank with his owl Mouzer, he loves his owl at LOT. Owl is fixed to his arm but he is poseable as are all my dolls.
Pheobe Pumperkin shes happy because shes got her pumpkin pram and her dolly.
YAY me....
Ephusia Cricklebank with her dead stuffed owl Brownie hes been gone a long time but she cant part with him. So she pushes him around in here pumpkin trolly.
Harriet Pumpkerin shes got a majick bottle, she doesnt know what for yet but is majick...
Heather, say no more she needs to be someone but shes not sure who yet?
The dragon foot book stand and book.
She wanted it so I gave it to her, Altrica Cricklebank is the bad bone in the family.
Now who am I going to curse today?
Grandfather Altruicus hes calm and sure that he has not forgotten something. He is Altrica's brother but hes not seen her in a while.
Dont mess with me Altricia is my granny, I have a wand and I am not afraid to us it.
That is the first batch, next elf heads, mushrooms, prams and mandrakes.
Mignonette Presentation Box Kit update....
2 hours ago
They all looked great in real life when I saw them last week Debie, great photos x
Love them all Debie! You sure know how to work magic.
Some wonderful sculpts Debie.
Fabulous, Debie! :)
Sweet looking work Debie! I especially like the dragon book stand. You are the sculpting Queen when it comes to gnarly toes and claws!
Fantastic dolls! I love Miss Haversham shoes!! Soo elegant!
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