Ahah my friends once again a very long time has elapsed between blog posts. There has been a huge storm raging (metaphorically speaking) and now for a while we have calm. Lessons have been learnt and I have learnt the true meaning of the phrase 'no good deed goes unpunished'. Cryptic? Yes but necessary.
So I now have a new workroom, I have less distractions to take up my time and I can focus on the good stuff.
New workroom its cosy, warm and there is no dog leaving his hair on my work LOL
New witchy, new wizard, some bad pics yes but the light is bad today, thats my excuse LOL
Years ago I was heavily into American Arts and Crafts and used to make these guys amongst other things. Hes a lightbulb LOL
Another phase, Gimlins, theres a story to go with them and everything LOL It was another fad. This is an Ice Gimlin. I stopped making them because people find them creepy....
Elven Rider and a customised brayer. I wigged the horse and did a bit of a repaint, I used viscose, and I set this horse on fire several times getting rid of stray hair. Never get a naked flame too close to viscose because it goes poof very quickly. I only use fine mohair now or alpaca. I never use Tibetain mohair for ethical reasons and I dont like the fact that it comes on the hide.
Voldy still isnt dress, other stuff lies unfinished, I will do them when I get the urge. Right now I need to carry on with my sculpting because I have got slow and rusty.
Tummy bubble time.......
Mignonette Presentation Box Kit update....
2 hours ago
It's a great post. I think we all go through off times. I love to see you at it and your pics of older things are interesting. But those fingers.......aaaaaaaah
It is through our art that we heal... Glad to see you back at it!
My goodness that's a clean and tidy workroom Debbie. Quite puts mine to shame....
Hope all is well with you now
Debie, so good to see you back at work again. When I saw you on fb, I was pleasantly surprised. :)
The new work room looks great. I'm glad there is a quiet time for you now. :)
Lovely to see you back Debie! looking forward to your new creations with excited anticipation! and pleased you have some peace, both physically and mentally now! Kate xxxx
I am so happy to see you are working on your stunning dolls, Debbie! And can't wait for more!:)
Good to see you here!!!!! The craft room looks soooo much better and has to be better to work in. :o)))
I adore the old lady!!! Fabulous face and detailing. ;o))
Michelle xxx
Yay! A new craft room, I hope it brings you much creativity :)
loving your witches nose and chinny chin chin, fab lady. iTS WONderful you now have your own space, like Victoria say, may it bring many happy creative days with lots of amazing artworks
Envy that lovely tidy, cosy work-space......that'll spur you on to super new heights!
Glad to see you have you own space Debs, it looks great, love the pics Mx
Thank you ladies xxx I do keep my work area tidy, its mainly because I sculpt and the desk is wet wiped every day to get rid of the lint.
Love Debie xxx
A lovely new work room and fabulous sculpts :) Your old lady witch is wonderful, I love her nose. ((((Good to see you back Debie))))
Julia xxxx
Still making those grungy looking toes huh Debie? ;D I'm glad I haven't eaten lunch yet. Just teasing ya. Best of luck with your new work room!
Thanks Peeps. LOL, yes Brian I am still making those grungy toes, I just love them.
Debie xxxx
I love the ladies face full of character totally cool And I like the horrible toes too blah lol
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