Firstly, warmest of welcomes to my new followers. I know I have been quiet for a while. Life has been ooober busy and I am now finally finding some time to go into my workroom.
A long time ago I made Potion Corner for my Wizards and Mad Scientists as a prop. I have been looking at it for a while and wondering who could take residence for a while, soon Cornelius Cricklebank brother of Abanathy who left a while ago. He will make his appearance on Sunday fully finished (his head is shown above.
Ahhhh blasts from the past, brooches based on Brian Frouds work all gone many moons ago but I still have fond memories of them, Bynd, Tyg, Hap and many others. I will make more of them one day.
I also have a love of textiles and I love vintage lace, below is a piece from my collection along with my pin pot and pin cushion... it used to be a salt cellar.
Another little creation, vintage lens (I have a few), old keys (I have a few more of these) and an image taken from my vintage postcard collection.
A little house non opening that I made from a kit, one day it will be a prop for my Wickle Witches.
Ahhhh and toes, I have been making toes, there is something very theraputic about them LOL.
I have been making potion boards, new bottles and mushrooms. Lots of goodies but I am not showing them just yet. Not doing it to be mean, just being careful.
School finishes in two and half weeks for the summer, then its six glorious weeks of head down and making.
Lorra Luffies
Debie xxxxxxxx
Mignonette Presentation Box Kit update....
2 hours ago
Ewwww, toes!! Debie, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your linen creations and the vintage lens!!!
Looking forward to seeing all your new creations.
Ahhh the infamous Debie toes! They are your most diabolical creations. They are revolting yet I am powerless to look away! ;)
Can't wait for your new miniatures Debie!:)
Oooh goodie, new minis to come! MUST SEE!!!!! Seeing all your wonderful past creations makes me realise how much I miss your work and need more!! Kate xxxx
One can never have too many of your toes! lol It's great to see you working again...always a joy to see and get to own of course! lol :0))
Michelle xxx
Can't wait to see!
Those toes.....yummy :) I love the little lenses too. Excited to see you working again
Busy can be a good thing, sometimes! :)
Okay, the toes are creeping me out, but, I think that's their intended purpose, no? ;)
Bet you cant wait for the holidays Debie, I cant wait to see what you make during them !
julie xxx
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